Créastyl is launching its third co-creation contest this year with 1st-year students in Textile DNMADE at ESAAT: CO-CRÉASTYL!

The students are required to create a design intended to be used as gift wrap and will be part of our upcoming collection! They were presented with three different themes:

The Christmas theme
The standard theme
The micro-pattern theme
This design must meet the following specifications:

Width of 700mm and a length of 420mm
An all-over pattern (with top and bottom repeats for the 420mm repetition)
The base is either white or natural (Pantone 728C)
Up to 4 different colors
The 3 winners will be selected by a panel of professionals, and the results will be announced on April 02nd 2024 during an awards ceremony at the company’s premises.


1er prixCréastyl : Congratulations Anna on your Spirals decor! Can you tell us what you thought of the competition?
I really liked this competition, we had a good follow-up and professionally speaking, it was also interesting to have had so much freedom to express yourself.

It helped us all to produce patterns in our image.

2eme prixCréastyl : Laura, the Créastyl team congratulates you on your My eyes decor. What did you think of this competition?

I was super surprised to have been chosen in 2nd place, it’s a great experience and I really gave of myself for the realization of my design. I expressed my personality and it paid off. Thank you so much !

3eme prixCréastyl : Bravo Lucien for your Geometric decor! How did you find this experience?
I thank Créastyl for the opportunity. I am happy to have been able to propose a pattern that I like and at the same time which responds to a request which follows certain constraints. It was a good experience!

4eme prixCréastyl : Congratulations Jade for your Hot Dog decor! How does it feel to have won the favorite prize?
I am very happy ! This is the first competition in which I participate, so I am super happy to have this favorite prize. I got a great experience out of it, I’m super happy!