
The Creastyl house

Discover our Pop-up box

Do you find boxes impractical to carry around and bottle bags insufficient protection for your products? We’ve come up with the perfect in-between: a Pop-up bag in thick smooth kraft ✨ It’s as strong and reliable as a box, but with paper handles (as strong as fabric) that make it easy to carry. Thanks to its integrated lid, it opens

Wrapping a gift or a product for a customer is more than just a necessity: it’s an extension of your brand that deserves the same level of care and thought as your other strategic choices. When it comes to the perfect packaging material choice, tissue paper remains an unbeatable option. It elevates your product to a highly personalized, delicately presented,

Packaging is much more than just a functional step in the delivery of a product. It’s an opportunity to create a memorable first impression and share your brand identity in a tangible way. In the dynamic world of B2B commerce, where every detail counts, customised packaging plays a crucial role in establishing strong connections with your customers. Among the most

The e-commerce turnover reached approximately 150 billion euros in France in 2022. It’s now challenging for merchants to ignore this trend. But how can you deliver your packages while minimizing your costs and environmental impact? If the trend had already begun, the COVID-19 crisis has only accelerated it: regardless of the sector, consumers now expect to be able to have

The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015 by over 190 signatory countries, aims to limit global warming to 2°C. To achieve this goal, decarbonization is necessary, and businesses have a significant role to play in the process. Decarbonization of Businesses, a Vital Movement Decarbonization… In other words, reducing greenhouse gas production. In France, the industry has a significant role to play

maximiser votre profit à noël

Here’s your text translated into English while keeping the HTML and CSS code intact: “An essential peak time for many businesses, the Christmas season is the perfect opportunity to boost your revenue. Here are some marketing tips to make the most of this business opportunity.   Christmas, Soaring Sales Toy professionals generate **60% of their annual sales during the last

RETIF, a specialist in service and equipment for businesses, has trusted Creastyl for over 15 years to supply its customers with packaging. Here’s why. Furniture, storage, decoration, packaging, stationery… For over 50 years, RETIF has been offering its products and services to independent merchants to help them set up and manage their daily operations. A 360-degree expertise that requires a

Every year, on June 5th, the world celebrates World Environment Day. This special day aims to raise awareness and encourage action in favor of protecting our precious planet. As we face increasingly urgent environmental challenges, this day reminds us of the importance of preserving our environment for present and future generations. This year, the theme of World Environment Day is

Global supply chains have been disrupted with the arrival of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine, leading to shortages and delivery delays. As a result, many companies have decided to relocate their suppliers. Sourcing from France indeed offers numerous advantages. More Secure Supplies Outages, natural disasters, market volatility, geopolitical tensions… Any event can disrupt your supply chain – especially if

The numbers speak for themselves. In France, more than one in four buyers chooses a product solely for its packaging, according to Packaging Europe. For 72% of consumers, it’s even one of the key indicators of brand quality. Here are 3 good reasons to personalize them. 1/ Personalized packaging to boost brand recognition Personalized packaging is your marketing tool to